In Our Classroom
St Francis
Yearly overview
Please see some samples of our learning in our Floorbooks below.
In school, we use Showbie as our learning platform and pupils have their own log-ins to use. Please go to for further information
Remote Learning
If a class, group or individual child has to isolate but is well enough to learn from home then we have provision in place for them. We use Showbie as our learning platform in class for every lesson from Year 1 to 6 so all of our children are familiar with it as a platform and way to access and share their work. If your child is required to isolate then remote learning will start the day after the school is informed. It will be equivalent in length to the core teaching pupils would receive in school and will include recorded or live direct teaching time, as well as time for pupils to complete tasks and assignments independently. As a minimum we will provide 3 hours/day on average across the cohort in Key Stage 1, with less for younger children, and 4 hours/day in Key Stage 2. EYFS children will have tasks put on Tapestry to complete with their parents/guardian at home. We will use Google Meet followed by Oak Academy resources to work with children if the whole class is isolating and Oak Academy for videos and lessons if it is an individual or group of children. All work completed can be shared on Showbie so that the teacher can provide appropriate feedback and support.