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SEN Information


The Children and Families Act (2014) has altered the way children in which Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) are supported in schools.

The new approach began in September 2014 and places pupils at the centre of planning. 

The key principles of the new legislation are:

  • Young people and their families should be involved in discussions about the support they need, so they can share their knowledge and feed back to the school on the young person’s progress.

  • ‘Education Health Care Plans’ (EHCP) will replace ‘Statements of Special Educational Needs’.
  • New assessments for additional educational needs will follow the EHCP guidelines from September 2014. (Existing statements will remain in force until all children and young people have completed the transition, which will be within three years).
  • A single school-based category called ‘SEN Support’ has replaced ‘School Action’ and School Action Plus.