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At Sacred Heart Catholic Primary and Nursery school we believe that children should have the chance to learn a full range of computing activities which will help them progress them from KS1 to KS2 and help them develop new skills which reach to secondary school. Our teaching focuses on helping develop the children’s independence using technology and covering topics like E safety ( internet safety) which makes children aware of the dangers on the internet and ways to avoid those dangers. Other topics we cover are: algorithms, which is the process of creating instructions or rules for a task and debugging which is looking for mistake in a task or challenge. We also have creative tasks like website design and creation, photo editing and research for our own Presentations . Here at Sacred Heart we are lucky enough to have some great computing equipment. We are 1:1 on Ipads year 2 and up and 1:2 in year 1. We also have access to Spheros which are used for robotics and programming. Makey makeys these allows the children to debug different materials to find out which can carry the signal back to the circuit board. It gives them the chance to program the circuit boards by changing different function for each buttons. All the skills the children learn from Sacred Heart are all transferable to tasks and challenges which our children may face in later life and we feel that using the NCCE  scheme of work helps to cover all of these challenges.




To have a computing curriculum which develops learning and acquisition of knowledge and skills.

To equip children with the confidence and capability to use all aspects of computing safely and effectively.

To enhance learning and communication and respond to new developments in later life.

To give children the freedom to express their creativity through designing and creating.

All children, including the most disadvantaged pupils, the most-able pupils and pupils with SEND receive the same challenge within the same broad curriculum.




The use of information and communication technology is a integral part of the National curriculum and is a key skill for everyday life. Computers, tablets, programmable robots,digital and video cameras are a few of the tools that can be used to acquire, organise, store, manipulate, interpret, communicate and present information. At Sacred Heart School, we recognise that pupils are entitled to quality equipment and software and a structured and progressive approach to the learning of skills that enable them to be effective and safe leaners.




Children will be equipped with the confidence to use computing equipment safely and effectively 

Children will find, explore, analyse, exchange and present information

Learning and communication will be enhanced 

Children will be equipped to respond to new developments in later life


Year 7 -Life after Sacred Heart 


We are part of the Mater Christi Trust and work closely with the Secondary schools in our family. We want to ensure that our children have a successful and positive transition between Key Stage 2 and 3 and are prepared for their adult life as well. 


We ensure that the children focus on a wide range of computing skills that will serve them well in Key Stage 3, This also boosts their communication skills and confidence in this subject area which will help them connect with the new students they meet as they transition into Year 7. 


We use the NCCE scheme of work to ensure that a full range of computing skills is being covered to ensure that the children are getting the most out of the subject. Sacred heart uses iPads across the school for their simplicity and ease device at Secondary school the iPads uses the same basic method of other devices so children are able to use any device confidently.

 Teacher Guide KS1.pdfDownload
 Teacher Guide KS2.pdfDownload
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